Promotional Materials
You may use these items in your promotional materials for your event with Ginger and the Littlefolks. Feel free to change the news release to suit your needs. The pictures may be used in posters, flyers, and other materials. Click on the small picture or the description to see the actual picture or file.
News release.pdf (37 KB) |
Ginger and puppets.jpg (413 KB) |
Ginger, Lamkins, and Linus.jpg (551 KB) |
“A Heart For Littlefolks” was commissioned by a ministry supporter. It tells of the start of the Littlefolks ministry and what it does today. It is copyrighted material, so please do not copy parts of the article itself, but feel free to use its information to promote your event. A Heart For Littlefolks.pdf (56 KB) |